Can You Make A Living From A WordPress Blog

Do you want to know if you can make a living from a wordpress blog? Of course you do, you wouldn’t read my post if you are not interested in knowing the truth. Don’t worry, you are not alone, a lot of people searches the world wide web for information about WordPress blog, how the self hosted blogging tool can help make money online.

What Is A WordPress Blog?

WordPress blog is a self-hosted blogging platform. It is the largest blogging tool at the moment, used by millions of users across the world and visited by people daily. WordPress blog is free, completely customizable and can be used for static and regular blog.

Anyone can create a website using wordpress blogging tool, and earn from their blog  as the platform fully customizable. However, you cannot make a living from wordpress blog overnight more so with a brand new blog.

Can You Make A Living From A WordPress Blog

Yes, there is no doubt that you can make a living from a wordpress blog. I should know I make money from my wordpress blog, it is the bread and butter of my family.

You see, there are many ways to monetize a wordpress blog to make it earn enough to support the needs of your family. However, it takes commitment, quality content, and time to make the blog profitable. So, don’t quit your day job just yet, it takes 6 months or longer before a new blog start to make money.

How Can You Make A Living from A WordPress Blog

Below are some of the ways to earn money from a wordpress blog.

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. It is easy to make money from being an affiliate marketer as you just need to promote the services or products of a company. You get a commission or percentage of the sale, when someone click on your affiliate link and buy something.

2. Advertisement

WordPress has a lot of plugins that you can install on your website. These plugins allowed people to place ads on their blog, ads that will bring you income to support your family. You can even start charging for advertisement space once you have a strong traffic.

3. Pay Per Click

Pay per click is another great way to make a living from a wordpress blog. You see, you get paid every time someone clicks the ads on your blog, whether the ads pop-ups, in-text links, banner, full page ads or sidebar widget. The best pay per click ads from Google Adwords.

4. Promote A Product

You can also make money or get freebie when you promote a company services or products. Many blogger get paid, or receive free products when they write reviews, especially when their blog is very popular.

Making money from blogging is possible, but as said before, it is not easy. It takes commitment, time, energy, patience, and quality content before you can profit from your blog.

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